Gutter Repair in 3 Easy Steps

Gutter Repair in 3 Easy Steps

Gutter Repair in 3 easy steps …using HB42 Ultimate Sealant & Adhesive   A friend of mine had 2 problems with his guttering: A Stop End kept falling off and a join was leaking. Previous attempts to seal the join with standard silicone sealant had been...
FIXING door Architrave with HB42 Grab Adhesive

FIXING door Architrave with HB42 Grab Adhesive

FIXING door Architrave with HB42 Grab Adhesive   Step 1: Architrave is cut to size and primed ready to fit. Note that one side is very close to a wall so I used a quadrant instead.   Step 2: Apply HB42 Grab Adhesive to the Architrave. I tend to use a wavy...
Super Instant Grab Adhesive Strength Test

Super Instant Grab Adhesive Strength Test

Super Instant Grab Adhesive Strength Test   I knew that HB42 Grab Adhesive could bond heavy items, but I wanted to put it to the test. A test specimen was made in my garden, from 18mm thick MDF, comprising two overlapping panels. 3 parallel lines of HB42 Grab...
Filling in the cracks

Filling in the cracks

Filling in the cracks Repairing a Cracked Concrete Windowsill Using HB42 ‘All-in-One’ Le Filla A friend of mine has a concrete bay windowsill with 4 cracks in it. They had been filled by a variety of methods over the years; sand and cement, silicone, unidentified soft...